Hire Writers With Expertise to Write Content That Performs

Receive quality content from the best writers ready to tackle your unique needs while eliminating project management headaches — no matter your budget, timeline, or tone.

I Need Writers
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When you hire writers with Compose.ly you get:

  • Top 1% of vetted writers
  • Publish-ready content at scale
  • More time to focus on growing your business

Book a Meeting To Connect With the Best Writers

Why Work With Compose.ly Writers?

They’re the best of the best. Seriously. We only accept the top 1% of freelance applicants so you can hire a professional writer that perfectly fits your needs. With Compose.ly you'll get:

Industry Expertise

Receive content that actually resonates with your audience, drives traffic, and converts quality leads with our rigorously vetted community of writers. Industry specialists are matched to your content projects based on your niche and business goals. Many of our writers have held roles in authoritative fields, such as healthcare, law, and finance, and quickly adapt to brand tone.

Deep SEO Knowledge

Ensure your content reaches the right audience with our experienced writers. Helpful content doesn’t help anyone if they can’t find it, and Compose.ly writers have the SEO expertise needed to align content with search intent, naturally include optimal keywords, and provide the greatest potential for ranking success. We keep up with Google’s algorithm so you don’t have to.

Reliable Freelancers With Authority

Working with hundreds of marketers has equipped us to efficiently recruit, manage, and train freelance writers who scale with you. Request and publish content projects at affordable rates and at a pace that streamlines your current workflow. Our proven processes match you with the best authoritative writers for your brand while giving you peace of mind. Say goodbye to ghosting contractors.

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A woman pointing at text with a purple circle around her.

Two Easier Ways to Achieve Your Content Marketing Goals

Regardless of how you need content produced, our writers save you time and money and streamline your workflow. Not sure which path is right for you? Chat with one of our Content Specialists, and we’ll provide strategic recommendations.

I need the entire content creation process taken off my plate.

Compose.ly’s Managed Service removes project management from your workload as a dedicated team of writers, editors, and a client success manager handles your entire content marketing operation for you. Receive consistent, publish-ready, high-quality content without being in the content weeds.

I need to contract a writer to work directly on my team.

Compose.ly’s Contract Writing Service allows you to work right alongside a writer without the commitment of a longer-term contract. You bring the scope, hours, and deadlines needed, and we provide an expertly vetted writer. No more admin and recruitment burdens. We connect you with the writer you need.

Hire the Best Writers

Hire Nihaal to increase your organic traffic by more than


Learn more about our writers

How Compose.ly Stacks Up

When you choose Compose.ly as your content writing partner, you don’t have to sift through hundreds of freelancers’ profiles, unlike Fiverr and Upwork, because we recruit, manage, and train the best writers for you via our cost-effective processes and solutions.

Your brand guidelines are collected early on to set your writers up for success. If you request revisions, we ensure it’s fully comprehended and implemented for future projects to help your writers work as an extension of your team. At Compose.ly, we provide both you and your writers with continuous support, resources, and strategic best practices.

The Proof Is in the Pudding

52 Million

52,111,950 words written to date.


Average on-time delivery rate of 98.9%.


Less than 15% of content requires revisions across industries.

What Our Customers Have to Say

Quote Mark

“If you are too busy with running your business and team, you can turn to Compose.ly to find SEO-friendly topics and ideas that you may have never thought of, have them create the outlines, assign them to their writers, go through their internal editing process, and get polished content returned to you in a timely manner.”

Beth Bovie
Senior SEO Strategist

Quote Mark

“There's been very few instances where we've had to say like, this is all wrong. The content quality is solid from early on, and it only continues to improve as the writers become more familiar with the brands. When we ask for revisions, they quickly comply. The customer service has been fantastic at Compose.ly.”

Dave Carlson
Creative Director of Marketing

Quote Mark

“We always have an incredible experience with our Client Success Manager, Robert. He ensures our projects are completed on time, everything is in order, and that we have a clear understanding of our partnership with Compose.ly.”

Jaci Schreckengost
Content Marketing Specialist

Hire A Writer For Any Content Need

Knowledge and Expertise That Spans Industries

Hire Writers Google Will Love

We all know Google values original, helpful content created for people — so do we! Our writers algorithm-proof your content for search engines by delivering on E-E-A-T. We create the best opportunity to rank well with content that is relevant, trustworthy, and high-quality.

The Importance of E-E-A-T: How to Satisfy Google's Appetite

Discover strategies to improve Google E-E-A-T in your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire a writer?

We have a variety of services built to match your specific needs and budget. As a starting point, our Managed Service starts at $700/month. Our Contract Writing Service hourly pricing starts at $50/hour. The hourly rate increases based on the technicality and experience required from our writer to execute your content to its fullest potential.

Can you help me hire a writer with experience in my industry?

We sure can! Recruiting and vetting writers is our expertise. From finance to fashion and technology to travel, we can match you with writers that will understand your unique value props and create content that connects with your audience. Learn more about all the industries we support.

What qualifications and credentials do your writers hold?

Great question. Many of our writers have gained firsthand experience in their fields of focus. Their certifications include, but are not limited to, MD, PharmD, DO, CPA, CFA, Series 7, JD, and CIPP. Learn how you can work with Compose.ly’s Subject Matter Experts here.

Can I hire an editor to review my content?

If you’ve got content, we can edit it! Our professional editors have experience with proofreading, copyediting, and line editing. They take time to review your brand’s style guide and goal for each piece. With this level of investment, content is typically edited and returned within 2 to 4 business days. You can learn more about Content Editing Services here.

Can I hire a writer for case studies?

Absolutely. We know how important great customer stories are for brands. Our Case Study Writing Service takes the entire creation process off your plate from interviewing, writing, and approvals!

What if I don’t like my writer?

This happens rarely, but sometimes the writer or prospective contractor isn’t the right fit. If it’s a swing and a miss, we’ll find another writer for you at no extra cost.

How can I become a writer with Compose.ly?

We are always open to meeting great writers who can join our community. We do ask all prospective writers to pass a two-part assessment and multiple trial projects before getting matched with any clients. To learn more, visit our Become a Writer page and click "Apply."